Myofascial Release offers a unique, holistic approach to pain management and healing. . The fascial system is a three dimensional web of connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles, bones, nerves, and organs in the body and is often overlooked by conventional treatments.

The goal of MFR is to relieve pain and dysfunction by releasing restrictions or tightness in the fascial system, which can often be the source of chronic pain, stiffness, and limited movement. MFR can provide lasting relief and support overall wellness.

Ann S.

Emily has been key in helping me through each myofascial session. Her patience, intuition and skill have made my healing journey a positive one. Emily’s gentle persistence and her ability to create a safe space for healing has helped me to listen to my body and to allow me to really feel in order to heal. I feel as though I have peeled back layers of stored-up emotional and physical wounds. After each session, my nervous system feels much calmer and I feel an inner peace. I have been able to not only break through restrictions that I’ve experienced with my body, but each session feels like a turning point to gaining more and more freedom, body and soul. As I’ve healed from my injuries, I’ve experienced less and less discomfort, to the point where I’ve been able to fully recover. Myofascial release has truly changed my life for the better. I feel hopeful and excited to be more active in my daily livingness and I look forward to the future.

Lia P.

What an incredible experience! From start to finish I felt completely in good hands. Emily was sure to explain the treatment before and what to expect. I would (and have been) highly recommend this treatment to anyone.

Hollie B.

Don’t wait! Treat yourself to the time. Emily is not only a massage therapist, she is a true channel for lasting healing. I highly recommend a myo-facial release treatment with her. I released so much tension, muscle tightness, and bound up emotions. Thank you, Emily for adding so much value and healing to my life.

Lexanne J.

Emily created an environment that was so safe that it promoted the best healing experience I have ever had. Words don’t do justice for the amount of expertise, professionalism, care, and respect went into the session. I will definitely be booking again💜

Conditions That MFR Can Help With

Back Pain

Carpal Tunnel

Chronic Pain

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Disc Problems





Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Neck Pain

Pelvic Pain

Plantar Fascitis

Poor Posture




Shoulder Pain

Sports Injuries


Unexplained Pain


… and many others

Will I see results after the first session?

Maybe, everyone is different. Out of all the people in the world, You are the only one with your specific fascia restriction pattern. Some see results right away and some people it takes a while.

I don’t have big traumas, will this still help me?

You don’t have to have big traumas, it can be just that you have unleveled hips and every time you take a step, your subconscious understands the world as being unsafe.

Can I be fixed?

You can heal. You can not be fixed, because YOU are NOT broken. You and I can work together to get your conscious mind out of the way so your body can heal itself.

I have to have deep pressure. It feels good when you dig in. If it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t work.

You’ve put your body through so much, the daily stressors alone are an overload on your system, why not love yourself into healing, just by BEING, be open to possibilities, and let your subconscious do the rest. Your body knows exactly what to do to heal. You don’t need to beat yourself up to heal and be effective

Can I get a treatment once a month and expect results? I don’t see the value or understand the importance of stacking appointments.

Going once a month for MFR is good, but it is going to take longer, why walk when you can run? MFR can be a permanent solution, not just a bandaid. While it does feel good, why not dedicate the time and resources in a short amount of time to feel better. What is the cost of not feeling your best?

Wearing a two piece bathing suit or bra and undies is weird, how is this going to help? You can touch one part of my body and affect the rest? How? This sounds weird.

Wearing as little clothing as possible, but still covering your sacred parts allows me to keep visually assessing you throughout your session. It also allows for better flow and to stay in channel 3, the intuitive side of our brains. The fascial system is continuous, there is no starting or ending point. For example: if we are working on your face, you may feel it in your feet or any other part of your body, this is your fascial voice telling us to go to that area next. You are in a safe space. There is NO judgement.

How can it be so effective and be so gentle?

Your fascial system doesn’t respond well to quick, aggressive touch. It takes about three to five minutes to register that it no longer needs to be in protection, that you are not in danger. With time, patience, and a willingness to let go, your brain recognizes that you can start to heal. You have the power, you just need to take it.

Nerd Alert: You start to release your own anti-inflammatories; interleukins 3,1B, and 8 at around minute three of MFR holds. By minute five these are doubled. Following this, a succession of releases happens between minutes five and eight.

Love is the answer. Love yourself, be gentle with yourself, the world is cruel enough.